Terms and conditions
All prices are exclusive of VAT
Waste and skip hire
The following items are not classed as general mixed waste and are not permitted in containers without prior agreement;
Asbestos, batteries, carpet, carpet and ceiling tiles, chemicals and adhesives, fluorescent tubes, fridges and freezers, mattresses, medical waste, oils, paint and glue, plasterboard, roof felt, rubber, sharps, solvents, tree roots, tyres, WEEE waste.
Rental charges may apply if container is on hire without any movement for a long period, please advise duration required prior to booking.
Inert loads and segregated containers will incur contamination charges if mixed with any other materials.
Permit applications may be charged if not granted, depending on council terms.
The hirer will be responsible for unobstructed access to property.
Equipment hire
The hirer will use the equipment for the purpose for which it was designed and not for any other purpose.
The hirer will not modify the equipment or provide any attachments, unless previously agreed.
Rental will be charged from the delivery date, weekly and invoiced as per payment terms.
Equipment remains chargeable during holidays: Christmas and New Year, Easter all Bank Holidays.
Rental charges will be stopped from the date of off hire notice.
Fuel will be charged upfront.
The equipment must be fully insured by the customer, any damage charges will be passed on including tyre damage, graffiti and paint spills.
Equipment must be returned in the same condition as supplied. Any discrepancies on receipt, pictures must be taken for evidence.
It is the hirers responsibility to ensure the equipment is secure. Lost or stolen items will be charged at the current value.
The hirer will be responsible for unobstructed access to property.